Locally Owned. Faith-Based. Affordable.
Trinity EMS Academy
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
Field Internship Program
Advanced EMT Clinical Minimums
Below are the Advanced EMT Clinical Minimums for the State of Georgia.
Advanced EMT Capstone Field Internship
Once these minimums have been met, the student will be able to complete the Capstone Field Internship portion of their clinicals. Below are the requirements for successful completion of the Capstone Field Internship.
Other course minimums include successful completion of simulation scenarios for the following patient types.
Advanced EMT Clinical Experience Forms
ePCR Instructions
Once you have completed your Clinical In-brief, please complete the acknowledgement form by clicking on or scanning the QR code. If you have any questions in the future, or if you are uncertain of how to proceed with any aspect of the clinical documentation, you may return here and watch the videos again, or you may contact your instructor.
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